
Passenger on UK flight arrested with 13 kilos of drugs in his suitcase at Malaga Airport

Spain’s Guardia Civil police force, as part of its ongoing actions to prevent drug trafficking at Malaga Airport, has arrested a man for a crime against public health, as he was apparently carrying more than 13 kilograms of hashish in his luggage.

The discovery was made on 7 April when, during the security checks carried out on hold luggage, a suitcase was detected which led officers to suspect that it might contain drugs, the Guardia Civil said in a statement

An operation was therefore put in place to detain the owner of the luggage, who was located when he was about to board a flight to Manchester in the UK.

Once the suitcase was opened, some 1,336 hashish pellets were found inside, distributed in 14 vacuum-sealed packages with a total weight of 13.876 kilograms. The owner of the luggage, a 40-year-old man of Latvian nationality, was arrested for a crime against public health.

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Written by T. Miller

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